Now i want that when my first player hand touch the second player main body in which capsule is place it will call a function.But in the script it will not call.I dont know what is the problem.Can any body guide me. the collision shape/distance can have a big effect. i’ve been playing w/ collapsing walls and things lately and some of the settings can be very fiddly. there’s loads of other things like the gravity influences and mass etc but see how that goes. 1 Answer Sorted by: 1 Try using the MovePosition method on your Rigidbody inside of FixedUpdate instead of changing the position of the players transform. So, the simple approach is to make sure the rigidbody is on the parent object with the script. I have also used Rigid body having no gravity and onTrigger function clicked in all capsule obects. We can use the time since last frame (deltaTime) to instead move the ball by (deltaTime speed) pixels per frame which will make the ball always travel the. hard to say w/out seeing your full settings, but try upping the Friction settings as a first step. When a collision occurs, Unity will search up the hierarchy for the nearest Rigidbody and run any scripts on that same GameObject. I have also place a capusle on the second player body which i place below the head and above the legs its mean it place in the chest erea. Like i have place one capsule object with their collider the child of left hand bone.SO where the bone move that object will move.

Now I have use capsule object with their capsule collider as a child of different bones. I have two button one to move farword and one to move backword.And four button to play different animation just like make a punch, hit a leg etc.

I am working on 3D fighting game.I have two character with their animation.I have applied character controller and character controller script which i have customized.